About me

My name is Elektra and I’m an owner of Quiet Potential.

Welcome to my website- the space where I want to share with you my knowledge and resources to help you in becoming a better version of yourself.

I named my business Quiet Potential as I believe that we all have it and just need to find a way to tap into this potential and use it for our benefit.

I hope that I can help you in the journey of your self-development using my life experience, interest in personal development, and further professional training in Life and Wellness Coaching and NLP.

My coaching approach is a combination of my scientific analytical skills fused with a gentle and open-minded way to see wellness and personal potential. I believe that only you can choose what is good for yourself but having someone asking the right questions, exposing your limiting beliefs, and keeping you accountable helps to expand your potential, empower you to change and grow as a person.

Make yourself familiar with the different types of resources available on this website and book your complimentary 30min discovery call to find out how my coaching can specifically help you.

You can also send me an email on elektra@quietpotential.com

Looking forward to seeing your potential sparkle:)


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